Monday, November 02, 2009

Minutes from H-Beam Operations Staff Meeting : Sunday Nov. 1, 2009

transcription begin : 5:42pm : 11 : 01 : 09

raps of a slammed 9 iron on the kitchen table.

HUFFMAN: Alright, Morons. Let's make this quick. I got to get to Sportsman's to make a bet that Philly is gonna beat the snot outa the Yanks tonight. I..I..Uhhh..I mean it's gonna be a fling-fest. Let's skip the last months minutes and go straight to Production Director Matt Walberg with the first order of beeswax.

The assorted allotment of attendees clap, slap, yell, snort, and croak until

WALBERG: Thanks Mitch. I wanted to start by saying thanks to everyone that helped with the album release over a month ago, with a special thanks to Kelly Fenton with NOTeNEF Promtions.

As she is promoting on her new HTC HERO

FENTON: No Problem guys.

WALBERG: By the way, Bart DurHAM cleaned up the Hambone Cake Fiasco after the show. Frank wanted to use a vacuum, but the Pig ate the evidence.

Bart Durham wiggles and sniggles with swine-filled delight.

WALBERG: Also, if you haven't checked our blog recently, you're missing all the great reviews and press the Useful Box Of Hair is getting. It just became available on itunes and I think people are digging it so far. Everything seems to be going accordingly and we just gotta keep telling more people about it. Now I'm gonna turn it over to the Frog. Admrl?

HOPALONG: Thanks Matt. We got a few gigs coming up that deserve mention in tonight's meeting. They are as follows...

Monday : 11/02/09 : Nashville TN Mercy Lounge : 8 off 8th : Greenpeace and NOTeNEF Promotions

Thursday: 11/12/09 : Bowling Green KY Tidballs : W/ Incredible Heat Machine

Friday: 11/13/09 : Louisville KY Hideaway Saloon : W/ Incredible Heat Machine

We're looking forward to introducing Jerry Pentecost to the lineup at the Kentucky dates, along with having Russel Wright return to the ranks for quite a new spin on the "H-Beam Power Trio."

WALBERG: We can't wait, he's gonna be....


WALBERG: Sure. Sorry dude.

HOPALONG: Damnit, now I can't remember where I was.

DURHAM: I think you finished.

HOPALONG: Oh, alright then.

HUFFMAN: Well, Kentucky should be great. Haven't been there in quite sometime. This Jerry guy seems like quite a character. Penny Beer Night at Tidballs always does me well.Speaking of that, I gotta split. So better luck next time, and damn this is some good chili.

Mitch Huffman bolts out the door with more beer than he came in with.

meeting adjourned : 5:49pm : 11 : 01 : 09

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