Sunday, February 01, 2009

At Least We Still Have Music, Beer, and Super Bowls

First of all, thank you for live music. Whomever is solely or jointly responsible for such creation, hats off. It is what we here at the H-Beam Workshop believe to be a "recession-proof" industry. We didn't make much money before, and we haven't made much after the results of the "sad-panda" bear market. Nonetheless, people are still going out and enjoying live music, or free studio music for that matter. Grooves are dug, beer and libations are consumed, super bowls are had. We still are going out and taking part in a scene.

Amidst the global crisis' that are plaguing this little blue planet, many below even our uber-wise and benevolent mainstream news sources radar, we as a global people aimed at peace and goodwill to our fellow man we believe are the majority. No matter how much some want us to panic and think that the world is headed towards the demon days (and how some may believe they are already upon us), positivity, hanging out and letting loose every once in a while will persevere. God and Dog willing, H-Beam will still be freaking you out.

We, H-Beam would like to send our thoughts, hopes, and prayers to those in trouble right now, whether it be job-related, family, or otherwise. It's a mess we're in and no one is safe from it. We will always do our best to try and furnish something that makes you laugh, smile, cry, or shout.

A few weeks ago, Kelly Fenton and Mare Camuso from the RedGorilla Music Fest and myself went up to St. Louis to present the last leg of the "Road to RedGorilla." We met up with Jimmie Jazz a.k.a his Holiness Senor Eddy and took a tour of the St. Louis Anheuser Busch Beer Factory. They laid an astonishing fact on us during our elaborate free tour: If AB stopped production of Bud beer and its relatives, the Mid-West would run out of beer in 18 hours. Now that, my friends, would lead to panic in the streets.

Music is what the world has in common. We will be alright... as long as we have beer, live music, and super bowls.

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