Nashville Press: H-Beam brings the funk to Rites

MUSIC: H-beam brings the funk to Rites
Submitted by Chris Gearing on 03-19-08 (Vanderbilt Versus)
Although you may have had stars in your eyes when you heard that names like Spoon and Lil Jon are coming to Rites of Spring this April, let’s not forget a little Nashville-based psychedelic rock band that really harkens back to the days of Steve Miller, Hendrix and maybe even a little bit of Bowie. What group could deliver such an eclectic punch, you may ask? H-Beam, my friends - the answer to all your groovy, funkadelic and classic rock prayers.
The best place to start for their sound is definitely their Myspace profile, ( with five of their best tracks available for your cochlear delight. You’ll be greeted by "Cumberland Hop," which is a soothing rock ballad with a bit of a bluesy riff that will lull you into a bit of sway, if not a slow dance. This rolling rhythm is followed by the sexy and seductive bass lines of "Alla Really Wanna" with lyrics reminiscent of Steve Miller’s "The Joker" mixed with "Jungle Love." If you want a bit more punch to your music, click on "Bang" with its fist-pumping chorus, heavy guitar riff and impressive percussion really kicking your rock meter into overdrive.
Even though you may be focused on the more mainstream names in this year’s Rites lineup, don’t overlook other lesser-known acts like H-Beam. They may not have made it big yet (with heavy emphasis on yet), but they’re definitely worth your time this April. The psychedelic and classic rock sound that H-Beam brings to the table will have you dancing and playing air guitar till you drop to your knees on Alumni Lawn at this year’s Rites of Spring.
Thanks for the kind words Chris! Can’t wait to rock Rites of Spring!
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