Blogger catch up... big time.
We've been neglecting our blogger page, and frankly, we're sorry. Nothing more I think needs to be said. Happy New Year everybody, here's what's been happening:
Friday, December 28, 2007
Some answers for the New Years Eve Wedding.
Current mood: exhausted
Category: Music
Father Time isn't the only one making you bust out the champagne this New Years' Eve. H-Beam is planning the wedding of the year to coincide with the ball plunging into 2008, and who better to celebrate it with than the rest of the world. For the Bachelor party, H-Beam is headed around the globe to try and catch the New Years party on every continent all in the comfort of Windows on the Cumberland!
Using the fuel of imagination, H-Beam will jetset the audience to the world's New Years' hot spots filled with crazy characters, worldly party facts, and performances in every continent with plenty of regional satire. H-Beam will return to host the wedding at Windows on the Cumberland with hometown favorites The Loft playing the reception directly following the ceremony. So prepare your best attire, get out your passports, and don't forget to R.S.V.P.

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Set the date...
Current mood: anxious
Category: girthed Life
Twas three days until Christmas and plans have been set
for festivities on New Years, the biggest one yet.
A flight around the globe with numerous stops
Then someone's getting married before the ball drops
New creatures being made to meet on the trip
that all will take place on the seat that you sit
With beer served by Windows and Rock from the Loft
You have to attend, you'd be hard pressed to not
So H-Beam is planning for the wedding of the year
With a show to entertain, then ceremony to tear.
you got psychedelics, drop em like it's hot
Happy birthday Jesus, then it's time to rock.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Some answers for the New Years Eve Wedding.
Current mood: exhausted
Category: Music
Father Time isn't the only one making you bust out the champagne this New Years' Eve. H-Beam is planning the wedding of the year to coincide with the ball plunging into 2008, and who better to celebrate it with than the rest of the world. For the Bachelor party, H-Beam is headed around the globe to try and catch the New Years party on every continent all in the comfort of Windows on the Cumberland!
Using the fuel of imagination, H-Beam will jetset the audience to the world's New Years' hot spots filled with crazy characters, worldly party facts, and performances in every continent with plenty of regional satire. H-Beam will return to host the wedding at Windows on the Cumberland with hometown favorites The Loft playing the reception directly following the ceremony. So prepare your best attire, get out your passports, and don't forget to R.S.V.P.

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Set the date...
Current mood: anxious
Category: girthed Life
Twas three days until Christmas and plans have been set
for festivities on New Years, the biggest one yet.
A flight around the globe with numerous stops
Then someone's getting married before the ball drops
New creatures being made to meet on the trip
that all will take place on the seat that you sit
With beer served by Windows and Rock from the Loft
You have to attend, you'd be hard pressed to not
So H-Beam is planning for the wedding of the year
With a show to entertain, then ceremony to tear.
you got psychedelics, drop em like it's hot
Happy birthday Jesus, then it's time to rock.

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