FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: H-Beam's Halloweeno Nintendo Party

It's almost Halloween once again and while most of Nashville prepares for hordes of candy crazed, snot nosed tykes to descend like locusts upon their homes, H-Beam is brewing up a no holds barred tribute to the most beloved childhood toy of our generation, the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Grab your controllers, light guns, and power gloves, and join H-Beam as they bob and weave through the 8-bit auditory wonders of yesteryear, intertwining the soundtracks of classic games such as Castlevania, Super Mario Bros., and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out with liberal doses of their own improv-adelic rock and roll lunacy.
Add in a stage show that pays tribute to our pixelated heroes of yore with full character costumes and blocky sprites galore, and you've got a recipe for an all-out memory-lane meltdown. Don't forget to tell your mom you're coming over and remember, if it doesn't work the first time you put it in, blow on it and try again.
What: H-Beam's Halloweeno Nintendo Party w/MoonTaxi (Nashville) & Up with the Joneses (Chattanooga)
When: Wednesday October 31, 2007
Where: Windows on the Cumberland (New Location @ 515 2nd Ave. South between Lea & Peabody)
Additional Info: Costume Party starts @ 9pm
Ticket Price: Only $5.00
Age Restriction: 18+
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