The Love Panda was already late. Ten o'clock in the evening and it still couldn't figure out what to wear, eat, or smell like for it's night out on the Franklin kinda town. LP's vibrating cellphone was possibly causing more of the delay as it was nestled in a nice place, deep in a pocket; all of the LP's buddies and buddettes were already down at The Pond gettin' crazy with Nashville's own Boom Ticket. The whole city was in heated anticipation over the psychedelic rock band H-Beam to follow who had not performed in the greater Nashville area since their performance of the acclaimed rock-opera "JANE" at the Rites of Spring. The H-Beam set started at eleven and it was currently 10:40. The Love Panda hustled.
Quickly slipping out the back door with a hand full of wet pasta which slopped all over the perfect shoes the LP had slapped on, it revved the engine of it's VW bug and looked up to the Tennesee sky. Stars had become clouds. "Looks like it's going to be a wet one," the Love Panda giggled. The excitement began to grow as the perspiring panda raced towards the Pond in Franklin, passing through the lovely downtown district, just to loop around the fun round-about once or twice to look at all the beautiful people. The third time around, the LP was taken by quite a sight. Strewn about the Mellow Mushroom outdoor patio was an all out dry-hump-free-love session organized by the rowdy yet fashionably-in Target/PacSun suedo-hippies that frequent the greater Franklin area on Thursday nights. The LP, being a connoisseur of the impromptu love jump, had to juggle between the mayhem ensuing atop the Kosmic Karmas and Jerk Chicken Pizzas, or the highly anticipated H-Beam show he was already late for. In a rare act of self control, the Panda sped off towards the Pond.
Driving in the rain, the LP was feeling anxious over all of the wet bodies he could still envision at the mushroom. The car was getting hotter. It rolled down the window to it's hip VW Bug with those cute magnetic decals of peace signs, flowers, and a bummble bee. Now the LP was getting wet. It could see the street sign for Hillsboro Road where the club was located. The LP got antsy. Doing what a Love Panda inherently does best, it began caressing and relieving itself of the nasty thoughts that came from the Mushroom fiasco with a vigorous fervor that rivaled any of the LP's previous expulsions. The Pond was in sight. The Panda's Bug swerving side to side made it's way into the parking lot and found double parked stopping space that the LP found quite spacious. It was still going at it. The LP just couldn't shake the feelings of intense pleasure. It had to get out of the car. From the parking lot, the sound of H-Beam's song "Girls Gone Wild" could be heard which only spurred the Panda's self-loving marathon. Hobbling to the door, the Panda began to feel light-headed, but was in a great mood. Stars began to come out, the milky way looking down, The Love Panda was in love.
Against the building, shadows appeared all around the LP as it drew nearer to the entrance. All of a sudden, the Love Panda was sent to the ground lifeless. A young patron of the bar stepping out to use her new iPhone, stumbled upon the puffy panda body and let out a horrifying scream. "SOMEONE HAS KILLED THE LOVE PANDA!"
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